As per latest news published in Fox News, a Michigan mom said that she is breaking the law so that she can help her daughter control seizures. Yes, confirms about turning to Medical Marijuana, which is still fighting to become legal in Michigan.
Belinda Philips, the bold mother, started to use medical marijuana to cut her daughter’s seizure attacks by 90 percent. Her daughter Marlee, who is 21 years old, is having seizures due to a genetic condition throughout her life, and she is thankful medical marijuana for such a drastic change.
"It's medicine," she said. "I'm just shocked, she's been on everything, and this has been the most beneficial medicine that she's ever been on."
As per Belinda, her daughter used to have 8 to 15 seizures every day, and that was until the last January when switched off from traditional painkillers to a capsule of concentrated marijuana. And since then Marlee have her seizures down by one a day.
However, it is still difficult to get medical marijuana and the law in Michigan does not help you anyway. Still she does not feel like criminals and clarifies saying proudly, “I feel like I'm giving my daughter medication, but it's nerve-racking."
In order to clarify medical marijuana use in Michigan, there are more than two bills introduced in the legislature during this week. One of the two bills puts restriction on dispensaries because another bill expands usable form just like the type she is currently using. Does that indicate more kids will use medical marijuana in coming days? That’s unsure, says National Patient Rights Association.
As per Robin Schneider, we are going to fewer kids using marijuana as the Gov. has started to regulate the distribution. Approximately around 100 kids are using Medical Marijuana in Michigan just like Marlee.
But clinical psychologist differs from the statement and wants to see the proof. As he thinks that is good on Marlee’s part if it has worked, but more studies and parallel research required convincing other parents as well. He further adds that marijuana makes people feel high, and that does mean they are keeping better, but it is not the way to address the problems. You have to use medical marijuana besides keeping contact with the traditional medication.
Well, everything now still lies in the debate that moves to the state legislature in the upcoming week. It’s time to keep fingers crossed!